Soviet Architecture of Today, photo, 2005

The work is built on parts of a book called "Soviet Architecture of Today, 1960s - early 1970s" (Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad, 1975). Sixteen photos from this book are images from Vilnius, Lithuania. The buildings have been photographed as they appear today and coupled with their originals.


Soviet Architecture of Today

Siri Harr SteinvikArt.html

Soviet Architecture of Today, foto, 2005

Arbeidet bygger på deler av en bok med tittelen "Soviet Architecture of Today, 1960s - early 1970s" (Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad, 1975). Seksten fotografier fra denne boken har motiver fra Vilnius, Litauen. Bygningene er blitt fotografert slik de står idag og stilt parvis med originalene.